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Setting Auto-Naming in Laserfiche Scanning

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Laserfiche CDI Fiche Tips Blog

By Kyle Knebel

January 2025 Consultants Corner

Customizing your scanned document’s name and metadata

For Laserfiche users that scan documents to the repository, you can automate the naming, metadata, and filing folder path using tokens! This month we’ll look at the customizable settings available in the Scan module. We’ll look at both Basic and Standard scanning modules. Both are available whether you use the Windows Client or Web Client.

Note: If you are using the Web Client or Laserfiche Cloud, you’ll need to download and install the Laserfiche Scanning module first, before using it.

Basic scanning: Tokens and Naming

The default document name can be modified to use built-in Laserfiche tokens, like today’s date or the user’s login name. As you can see in the screenshot below, the token selector has been pressed next to the document name field, and it is displaying the available standard tokens.

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If you choose to assign a Template to documents, the “Fields” selector now becomes part of the listed tokens, as shown in the following screenshot. (In the example below, the General template was chosen, and its fields are listed.)

A document name can be created using both static text and tokens to create a useful name with consistent and automated values. The entered values with replace the tokens when the document is stored in the repository.

Note: You still must manually enter the field values on the template.  These values can be applied to the default (tan) template properties, or to the just scanned document’s (blue) template properties.

Standard Scanning: Tokens, Naming, and Folder Path:

Just like in the example above, document names can be modified to use the built in Laserfiche tokens, like today’s date or the user’s login name or others. In addition, you can set a dynamic folder path for document storage using tokens. Just navigate to the Settings tab in the default properties (tan) box.

As you can see in the screenshot below, the token selector has been pressed next to the folder Path field (Settings tab), where it displays the available standard tokens and it displays the Fields token with the assigned template’s fields.

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The Count Token:

The “Count” token is a sequential number from the scanning session that can be used in document naming for contracts, for example, or in fields. The previous starting count will be remembered the next time you launch the scanning session.

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The count token is available for document naming, Fields and folder paths.

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Note: Only available in Standard scanning mode, The count value can be manually reset.

1) The top toolbar

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2) Under the File>Options>General area.

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There are two count tokens.

1) A Repository Count is incremented every time an entry is imported or created into a Laserfiche Server. This is the number you see when you look at the Entry ID number. Its token is %(GCount) but is not in the drop-down list of tokens.

2) A Session Count is the scanning count for the current scan session.  It usually resets to 1, but you can manually change the beginning number to anything you prefer. If you close and re-launch Standard Scanning, the number will reset back to the initial value configured.


All the available scanning tokens are available online on the Laserfiche support site.  Here’s the link if you are interested.

This concludes this month’s review of the Tokens available in Laserfiche Scanning. We hope you found it informative and useful!

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