When it comes to document security it is imperative to know who has access to documents. A new report generating feature in the Laserfiche Web Client 10.2 helps to address those effective user access right questions.
This tech tip will outline the new reports that are available, best uses cases and prerequisites for using this feature.
There are four reports that can be generated by users and administrators.
Metadata Report
Entry Effective Access Rights Report
User Effective Access Rights Report
User Security Properties Report

Reporting is a useful tool for tracking information about documents and contents in the Laserfiche Repository.

The Metadata Report generates a report from selected entries and their child entries. For example, a user wants to know how many correspondence documents were scanned in the month of December, by a particular user. The criteria that is selected for the report would include the document type and creation date. All documents scanned in the month of December by would show up in the generated Metadata Report.
The Entry Effective Access Rights Report is an import tool for users to determine what access rights specific users or groups have for a selected entry. A use case for this report may be that a new W-4 tax document was just scanned into Laserfiche for a new employee. The Effective Access Rights Report shows the effective access rights for specific users or groups viewing the selected W-4 document. Note not all users have access to this specific report due to the user permissions. However, this report can assist administrators in verifying that entries have the proper access rights assigned.
A User Effective Access Rights Report allows a user to view a report of specific access rights for a user for all documents and folders in the repository. An example of this could be that documents such as invoices and receipts are selected. When generate a user effective access rights report is chosen it will generate a report specifically for the user's effective access rights. Note not all users have access to this specific report due to the user permissions. This report will assist administrators in making sure that proper effective access rights are assigned to a user.
The User Security Properties Report generates a report on all the privileges, security tags, feature rights, groups and audit events for a specific user. An example where using this report would prove valuable would be when adding a new user to Laserfiche. Making sure that the new user has been set up with the proper permissions, tags and other access is important in ensuring a secure repository.
These new reporting features are available in the Laserfiche Web Client 10.2. If you are interested in these features and want to make sure you are on the most updated version of Laserfiche version please contact the Cities Digital Support Team though the Cities Digital Client Portal.